Yanbu - Red Sea

Sep 27, 2009

Diving in Ynabu is generally outstanding! The visibility is normally better than Jeddah, as well as the number and size of fish, Soft coral is abundant along the coast due to the strong currents there.

Yanbu is located in Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coast.

The main scuba diving location is an empty beach located north of Yanbu's creek. The reef consists of a steeply sloping wall in most places that goes down to around 100 feet or more before reaching a less steeply sloped sandy bottom. Occasionally there are sandy shelves at between 70 and 30 feet. There are many cavern-like structures in the shallow areas at the top of the wall, but don't go very far back.

The site known as Barracuda Beach and Coral Gardens have always been the favorite. Barracuda Beach is a deep area where barracuda are known to congregate, as well as tuna, sharks and other larger fish. Coral Gardens is a shallow area of sloping sand where corals bloom beautifully and the current can be extremely swift. At the reef edge, it’s about 15 feet deep, great for ending the dive.

Here is a collection of photos when we were diving in area 22 (Wreck Site) in November 2008.
Excellent visibility, Depth 30-40 meters, Temp around 25 degrees c.


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